Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oopsie Daisie

Well, yesterday I was just sitting in my room, off in space, and I realized something. Why do I even understand what I'm thinking about? Why am I not a primitive slug? Why do we know that certain pronunciations in our language are "right" and some are "wrong"? Why do we even know that anything is right or wrong? Why can we understand each other? WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE A LANGUAGE? Ack. Don't think about that kind of unanswerable question for too long, or you will feel all mushy. Really.


Becca said...

I feel all mushy most of the time. You can't sit around thinking about the questions of life too long or your brain just explodes! You've been tagged young lady, go to my blog to see the rules!

happybug said...

OK, now I feel very mushy.

Suzy Turquoise Blue said...

Ok firefly, but i already know what tagging is!!