Friday, October 17, 2008

A funny Story

Hah! I have a very funny thing to tell you that happened last Wednesday.


Haha, gotcha didn't I? No, that isn't what happened. What happened was that I was playing this imaginary game with my friends, and then people started to join until it seemed like half of my grade was playing, and I wasn't having much fun anymore. So that Wednesday, it was Popcorn Day, and I was playing with my friends and our newly discovered Dragon Bites, (popcorn) which tamed the dragons, and I realized the mob had moved to the soccer field. Now, I was bored, so it wasn't like I was about to go and join. So I climbed up on a metal bar toy I used to call The Castle, on the very top bar, and sat down. I put myself in that position that's kind of says, ' So cooler than you ' , and sat there, relaxed, smirking, holding onto the tower with only my feet and eating popcorn. Smirking. Smirking at them. Smirking at how darn silly they looked. I thought to myself, " They look so funny, flapping their arms around and making complete fools of themselves." Wait, now, don't get me wrong, I'm usually not the type to snicker at my friends, but it was so funny, me up there on the top of the world, coolest of the cool. And them. Down there. Being ridiculous. And I realized, "Good Heavens, I was down there doing that a minute ago!"


Wow. Am I really that nerdy?

1 comment:

Becca said...

Oh but you are so cool! You probably made up that popcorn eating dragon game... got them all started and then left them! ha.