Saturday, July 19, 2008


Have you ever been terribly bored? I certainly have. Today I just don't feel like writing about the Septimus Heap series anymore, so I'll write about something random.

I like random.

Ooo. Say, have you ever had a really good idea and then someone asks you a question, and then you forget it? I find that more than annoying. You just KNOW it was a good idea, and it's so aggravating to think about it. Sigh.... that sort of thing happens to me much too often.

Please post about times like that on my blog today, if you will.
Anyway, speaking of aggravating, have you ever got really annoyed with someone and then said something you really regretted? It happens.
That's very aggravating.

Someone should write a book about funny incidents like that that happened to themselves and friends. Maybe I'll do that.

That'd be cool.

1 comment:

Becca said...

If you are so bored, then maybe it's time to go back to school? ha.ha.