Thursday, July 3, 2008

2 perspectives from one brain

I have read a book called All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarden. It looks at everything at a unusual point of view. Reading this book made me come up with something from the same sort of view. It is sort of like I have different brains seeing things from different perspectives. I want to share what I wrote with you.

Have you ever heard of the phrase "a picture's worth a thousand words"? I've heard it and it put me in two different minds. For instance, it is true, that saying, because a picture can indeed be a substitute for words if you think about it. For instance people associate red with 'anger' and 'rose' and blue with 'sad' and 'sea' and so on. Pictures can make you think a lot of things.

That's my first perspective. Now for the other one.
When I read a book, I've got my own ideas of how the characters and the sets look and everything.
Then I watch the movie for it and all my opinions are blown away.
For instance, I read the first Harry Potter book and had all my own little ideas, most of which I can recall if I think hard enough. Then I watched the movie. The pictures sort of take all the words and replace them with their own ideas. Usually when someone says 'Harry Potter' I immediatly think of how his face looks in the movies, dang it!

'A picture's worth a thousand words'.


1 comment:

Becca said...

Try to hold onto your own ideas of what the characters look like, they might be better!