I am overlooking the reality of the fact that I haven't been on my blog in so long that nobody is reading it. Too bad. I'M still posting even if nobody reads it.
However, I can't write about books anymore. I'm too hyperactive to write such long posts. So, I will write about whatever comes to mind... but it has to be funny. I'm not that funny.
Ho-hum, you say. NO MORE HO-HUMMING! Now,you must say, 'oh crumbs'! Because I don't care how lame I am, this blog must be FUNNY!
I'm done ranting. Now, what should I write about...
Our dog, Eric, is either REALLY dissing us... or he is just really dumb. I'd like to think the latter, but whenever we call him, he gives us THE LOOK that says, "I'm ignoring you. Really. You always call me Refrigerator and I used to come to that. Now I know, and I will get you BACK!".
What's THE LOOK? You know. I know. THE LOOK IS THERE, hiding. Waiting to come out...
The look is ebilness. i can say no more, or the radioactive rabbits will ambush me in the night... :O
I wasn't joking when I said that the dog comes to calls of Refrigerator, George Bush, and Rabbit. I tell you, he comes to everything BUT his own name. It's like he is saying, " Look, I know my name isn't Eric. Call me my NAME, REFRIGERATOR, and then I might come.
But I feel really silly running around the house looking for him, calling, "REFRIGERATOR! Refrigerator, COME!"
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