Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm goin' home for the holidays..

Wheee! I'm going to Grandma's house for Christmas & I have something like a million presents & nijtjumyurteyirt,jbul y,.t0unb./ty09uml9t7u 0oyuIY(I_r,.70..... AAAAAAHHH run AWAY the TYPO MONSTERS are coming to GET me!!!!

Wheeew.... calm down, steady now boy...

So. Not much else to say..... just a laugh for you today... OR SO YOU THINK!!! No really, the typo monsters do exist, y' know...

So anyways, Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa or anything, But I'm leaving Blogger for this present moment... 'Cuz if I don't leave now, this will not be a blog post so much as a COMPLETE MESS... So, bye!

:) SuzyBlu